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Nature, science, and technology united to make a difference

For you as a manufacturer, Biocrystal® is the perfect answer if you are looking to offer a stress-relieving experience to your customers, an active treatment that goes beyond comfort and offers a much-needed top quality of sleep. Biocrystal® is an added value to your products to answer your customers’ needs.


Biocrystal® powder


Biocrystal® is the registered trade name for a powder of precisely selected, crushed, and mixed crystals in special quantity and ratio. The Biocrystal® powder is intended for implementation into various kinds of foams for products such as mattresses, toppers, but also products for everyday use, such as sofas, chairs, accessorize, textile, clothing and footwear, sport and exercise equipment.

It makes it perfectly adaptable for an easy, fast, and cost-effective
implementation into your product.




 Your product + Biocrystal Powder =

Highly effective stress relief product


Implementation methods

There are several methods of implementing Biocrystal®. Dependent on product type, there is:


  • Foam infusion
  • Sprinkling method
  • Printing, Coating and laminating - for textile

From the very beginning, Biocrystal® was mainly used for implementation into bedding products such as foams, mattresses, pillows, and toppers - as their inner sewn layer, placed together with other layers. Besides that, we further developed methods of implementing it into textile and other materials, opening new possibilities for manufacturers.

Advantages of Biocrystal® innovation in manufacturing
Cost-effective and easy implementation

Manufacturers from various industries recognized Biocrystal® as a cost-effective technology that offers innovative and never-simpler implementation methods, adaptable to multiple products.

Bringing an added value to products

All innovative manufacturers have an opportunity to enhance their products with much-needed relaxation and stress-relief effect and thus create a competitive advantage. Adding value is essential because it allows customers to differentiate your products on the market and build long-term relationships.

Answering customers need

Biocrystal® is distinctive in a way that it recognizes one of the biggest problems of today's world, offering efficient and entirely natural solutions. Its effectiveness has been confirmed by thousands of satisfied users, doctors, veterinarians, and athletes, many of whom have become our proud ambassadors.

Marketing support

All manufacturers who choose to enhance their products with Biocrystal® will be provided with full marketing support throughout the process, with specific examples and ideas on launching and promoting a product.

Book a meeting

Manufacturing bedding foam, mattresses, textile, or furniture and wondering if you can improve your products with Biocrystal® stress-relief component?

Get in touch with us, we’ll be happy to explain how Biocrystal® can easily and cost-effectively be implemented into your products and answer your customers’ needs.